Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Having Charity in Relationships

Charity mentioned in the Bible has more to do with love than benevolence. This does not mean benevolence isn't a part of it, but the Bible speaks of charity when referring to relationships. Because we experience love, we want to give. However, giving must begin in the heart to resemble what the Bible says about charity and love. Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 to learn that God loves a cheerful giver.

When I was young, I often heard my father say "Charity begins at home." Until he died, He told us that we must always help but Family comes first. And never never to say no to a family member that needs help. I remember his advise to me that I must always love my brothers and sisters. We must be one. One for all all for one. I admire my father's love for his brothers and sisters. He did not abandon them until he died. He would not forget to tell me to always respect my mother and father and the elders.

There are three types of charity that stand out in the Bible. They are eros, philos and agape.

a. The word eros, is evident and reflects the basic needs of humans.
b. The word, philos, speaks of friendship and is more along the lines of give and take.
c. The word agape and is mentioned more than any of the others in the Bible. It defines true giving because it is unconditional love. If charity is based on reciprocity, then, according to the Bible, it is not true charity.

The ring represents eternal love The benefits of charity are many with the most common being security. The love between a husband and wife must be agape or the marriage will not be as full as it could be. The benefit of the charity we find in the Bible is its strength.

In 1 Corinthians 13, it expresses it best when it relates charity as being more powerful than wealth, physical strength and knowledge. The benefits of charity never end and include security, faithfulness, tenacity and a host of other positive adjectives.

Charity effects giving. The effect that charity has is immeasurable. Paul instructed Timothy not to allow anyone to despise his charity for people. He instructed Titus to look for it in the aged men. Peter told the elect that charity would cover a multitude of sins. The effect of love reaches the hearts of everyone, whether they reject it or not. Thus, the Bible is adamant that agape love is charity defined in its truest sense.

Showing charity to children. The function of charity is fundamental yet profound. Whether you are at the top of the corporate ladder or a simple cook at a fast-food restaurant, the function of charity is the same. The result may be different and is only limited by material resources available. This function brings people together to fight a common enemy. The enemy may be hunger or poverty, but they are met by the same power that binds families and friends.

Love changes things and people Because the depth of true charity has yet to be revealed, the potential is overwhelming. For the man with unlimited resources to the individual who shares his charity with a smile and a handshake, the potential of charity runs deep. In fact, the only thing that limits the potential of charity is human imagination. True charity clears the heart of obstacles that hinder the hand from reaching out to help someone.

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