Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What's at Stake this November... And why the country needs American Women to vote


 American women, the country needs to hear from you! Do you know how powerful your one voice can be? How powerful your one vote can be?

     Remember, it only takes a few votes to make all the difference. In the presidential election of 2000, 104 million people voted and only 537 votes in Florida triggered events that changed the world. Would we have become involved in the unnecessary war in Iraq if Al Gore became President? Would America be falling so far behind on tackling climate change?
According to Edison Research, women specifically have the power to control Congress. In 2012 women made the difference in determining the outcomes in 22 of 23 Senate races. Women will usually vote for the things that make a difference in everyday life. It is women who do most of the shopping and are on the lookout to provide healthier food for their families. They are less interested in the priorities of giant agro-business and factory farms that are promoting unsafe use of antibiotics and the overuse of GMOs and pesticides. Women are trying to make the world a healthier place for generations to come, while Republicans are often on the receiving end of the torrent of campaign contributions from these corporations.

     During off-year elections, too many women stay home when their votes are needed. In 2010, the last midterm election, 10 million unmarried women who voted in 2008 did not show up! As a result, conservatives swept to power and eviscerated policies aimed at supporting American women, especially in healthcare. We will face another mid-term election in several weeks. Will your voice be heard?

Con't reading:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/barbra-streisand/what-is-at-stake-this-nov_1_b_5974398.html?utm_hp_ref=politics

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