Marriage Prayers - Is prayer in marriage important?
Marriage Prayers - The Key
Prayer in marriage is the key to a strong relationship, with each other and with God. Marriage was by God’s design (as shown in Genesis 2:18, 22-25) and shows us that a man and a woman are meant to “become as one”. Their prayers are a continual lifeline of nourishment that preserve this bond.
Praying together brings couples into agreement as we petition God and thank Him for our blessings.
Praying together is vital to a lasting marriage.
Keeping God at the center of your marriage sustains the covenant between you.
Trust the Lord to help you build a healthy marriage with a harmony that goes beyond anything you can imagine without Him.
Our partnered prayers result in the following:
a)It develops a deeper ability for communication. This is fundamental to a real and long-lasting companionship.
b)It provides the way to a humble heart. As we humble ourselves in prayer we are also humbled before our spouses, keeping us open, honest and sincere. This brings us into a closer intimacy with each other and strengthens mutual respect.
c)Our marriage will build accountability as we pray together ‘for our marriage’ and the problems that arise. He will show us the solutions for working things out.
By submitting ourselves to each other, we develop a deeper trust in our spouses and in the Lord (Ephesians 5:21-26).
Nothing can be more valuable in the lives of children than the united prayers of their parents. In Matthew 18:19-20 Jesus says “…If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them.”
d)Hebrews 13:4 says “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage…” Pray together, and for each other, that you each remain faithful and enjoy the goodness of marriage. Romance is important (read the Song of Solomon together), commitment is vital; honesty is essential and prayer to the Lord necessary. Remember the words of this prayer when you go together before Him.
Marriage Prayers– Example
Almighty Father in Heaven, King of Kings,
who rule over the heavens and the earth;
We ask for forgiveness for all our shortcomings;
Lord, help us to remember when we first met
and the strong love that grew between us.
Please help us work that love in our daily life,
so nothing can divide us.
Please help us to respect one another in everything we do.
We ask for words both kind and loving
and hearts always ready to ask for forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Keep us together for as long as we live.
We believe that we already received what we ask for in prayer &
We thank thee in Jesus Name Amen.
Fanning the Flames
These past weeks have proven productive for those who seek gain from a good
crisis. Seemingly unrelated events appear more interconnected as I trace
14 years ago
What a nice prayer. I am sure it will benefit anyone -or any couple!- who pray it with sincerity!
ReplyDeleteI know someone from work that has bitter feelings about everybody. Always talking about someone and saying all kinds of bad things about people. I think she is angry because her husband died at 36 y.o and followed by her mother after a week. She started drinking and just plain burrying her sorrows drinking of wine (getting drank). Then her children left her and completely forgot about her up to this time. She is 79 years old and still did not change. She is the same old self, harboring hatred against people that are very nice to her. She always say that she does not trust anyone/anybody. She complains too much on a daily basis then she was kicked out of her job. I wonder if this did not change her?
ReplyDeleteLet's pray for her for salvation and I pray to God Almighty that she repents before she closes her eyes because I have never seen someone so proud! and always cursing. May God Almighty in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ bless us all.